Why Money Matters Most

First Rap Song Lyrics – Why Money Matters Most Rap Song Lyrics

Money is the root of all evil
But it’s also the root of all success
So why does it matter so much?

Some people say it’s the root of all evil
But I say it’s the root of all success
So why does it matter so much?

Money is the reason we wake up each day
It’s the reason we work so hard
It’s what motivates us to achieve our goals

So why does it matter so much?

Because without money, we wouldn’t have anything
Without money, we wouldn’t be able to do anything
Without money, we wouldn’t be able to achieve our dreams

So why does money matter so much?

Because without money, we wouldn’t have anything
Without money, we wouldn’t be able to do anything
Without money, we wouldn’t be able to achieve our dreams

Second Rap Song Lyrics – Why Money Matters Most Rap Song Lyrics

They say money talks
But all I hear is silence
All I see is dollar signs
Everywhere I look
All I want is money
All I think about is money

Money is all that matters
Money is all that counts
Money is all that I see
Money is all that I need

I don’t care about love
I don’t care about friends
I don’t care about family
All I care about is money

Money is all that matters
Money is all that counts
Money is all that I see
Money is all that I need

Third Rap Song Lyrics – Why Money Matters Most Rap Song Lyrics

I know they say that money can’t buy happiness
But I beg to differ, I think it can
Money can buy you a big house and a nice car
It can buy you designer clothes and fancy jewelry
It can buy you a trip to the Caribbean
Money can buy you a lot of things

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And sure, those things might not make you happy
But they can sure make your life a lot easier
And that’s why money matters most

Money can buy you a lot of things
But it can’t buy you love or happiness
It can’t buy you friends or family
It can’t buy you respect or dignity

But at the end of the day, money is still the most important thing
Because without it, you won’t be able to buy any of those other things


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