R&B Song Lyrics | I would’ve stopped breathing if you told me to

First R&B Song Lyrics

If you told me to stop breathing
I would’ve stopped breathing
If you told me to stop dreaming
I would’ve stopped dreaming
If you told me to stop loving you
I would’ve stopped loving you

But you never told me to stop
You never told me to give up
You never told me to turn away

So I kept on breathing
I kept on dreaming
And I kept on loving you

And I would do it all again
If you told me to

Second R&B Song Lyrics

I would’ve stopped breathing if you told me to
I would’ve stopped dreaming if you told me to
I would’ve stopped believing if you told me to

But you never told me to stop
You never told me to give up
You never told me to quit

So I kept on going
I kept on fighting
I kept on trying

And now I’m standing here
Stronger than ever
Ready to take on the world

All because you never told me to stop

Third R&B Song Lyrics

If you told me to stop breathing
I would’ve stopped breathing
If you told me to leave you
I would’ve left you

But you didn’t tell me to do either of those things
So I’m still here
Still breathing
Still in love with you

And even though you don’t say it
I know you still love me too

So I’ll keep on breathing
And I’ll keep on loving you

Because that’s what you told me to do

See also  This Is How We Do It R&B Song Lyrics

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