is your place to download all songs free of cost anytime. You can also submit you lyrics for others.
Problem: Finding the right song lyrics for a particular mood can be a challenge.
Agitate: You know you want to compose or write a specific song, but you don’t know where to find it.
Solution: is your one-stop platform for all your music needs. With our extensive database of songs, and lyrics submitted by users, you will never have trouble finding the perfect song again!
Meet the team making this technology platform and music lyrics services possible! CLICK HERE
You can search any song, any artist and play it. You can download song or create a playlist. We have many features like – Online Radio, Music Library, Playlists, Search any song, Song Lyrics, Artist Lyrics, Albums, Latest Songs, Old Songs, English Songs, Hindi Songs, Telugu Songs, Malayalam Songs, Punjabi Songs, Instrumental Songs, Audio Quality, Lyric Quality, Quality of Song, Quality of Lyrics, Quality of Album, Largest Collection of Songs, Online Radio, Collaborative, Social Media, Email Sign up, Recommendations, Curated, Recommendation Based, Social Media, Collaborative, Recommendations, Online Radio. You can also discover new music and artists through our recommendations system.
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